Saturday, 31 December 2011
New Years Eve
Ok, so I have an eye in a pyramid, which was on National Treasure last night, and my physics revision notes. Well, important equations.
Now, this is kinda my fault, because I haven't done much revision for my actual exams, but they are in February, so I'm not too bothered, but I haven't done any revision at all for my mocks, which are the first day back. I'm not too bothered, as they don't count too much towards my actual GCSE's, but my teachers are a bit scary. So I still don't want to revise. And in order to get me to do anything like revision, I decided to write down all the equations I have in my physics folder on my hand. And now, to drill it even further into my brain, I'm going to tell you them all. I appologies for this in advance.
V= RxI or Velocity = Current x Resistance
Vs= Ns x Vp/ Np or Voltage 2nd = number of turns 2nd x voltage 1st / number of turns 1st
S= FxW or Wave speed = Frequency x Wavelength
P= VxI or Power = Voltage x Current (why is current I?)
V= FxW or Velocity = frequency x wavelength
I think, these are all from memory.
So yeah, this is what I'm gonna do on New Years eve.
Happy New Year Everyone
Memory and memories
Ok, so I know this was supposed to be up yesterday, but I had to go to a birthday party with two of my friends, and came home late, and I couldn't be bothered to turn the computer off, put my memory stick in and turn the computer on. My mum's laptop hates all memory sticks and won't work for about 4 hours if you put one in without warning.
So anyway, I have 5 drawings yesterday, the work TRUTH across my wrist because there was a truth poster in the bowling alley, a tiny, really bad star on my middle finger, because I was bored, a small, I call them charity crosses, you know, like the red cross symbol on my ring finger, and Aladdin's lamp just above my thumb, and a rose across the side of my hand with the words "When the last petal falls", in honor of Beauty and the Beast.
So, yeah, I had two Disney film drawings on my hand yesterday, a) because one of my friends, the one I'm closest too had a FB status which said she got Aladdin for Christmas (just like me) and while I was getting ready for the party it's the main symbol that kept popping up in my head, and b) I didn't want to look like a stalker with the Aladdin thing, so I went for a rose because I also got Beauty and the Beast for Christmas, and so, I felt it wasn't as creepy.
I actually asked for both those films for Christmas because I couldn't remember them that well, and, in the case of Beauty and the Beast, I don't think I've ever actually seen the real movie, though we had a Christmas special, though my parents are sure that I have seen it.
This got me thinking about memory. I know that memories are recreated of every time, so there's bound to be some error, but can you forget all of a movie, apart from just one scene in around, ten, eleven years tops? I doubt it, but you never know.
What I do is that Belle has moved from snooty boring princesses such as Cinderella and Snow White, to awesome princesses with personalities, such as Jasmine and Mulan.
So, what I want to know is what your favorite Disney Princess is? Mine's Jasmine. But I think that's from the fact when I went to ballet around ten years ago, well, I was three/four/five, think four, so twelve years ago, my mum used to give me some princess cards to play snap with the other girls. But I found it boring so I invented a princess fighting game, and Jasmine was the ultimate card, with her her gold spinney boomerang necklace/belt/bracelets and killer stabbing earrings.
I blame this on my dad's love of historic fighting films/books/audio books.
Thursday, 29 December 2011

Ok, so today, I have four, I'm gonna call them inkings on my hand, even though they're technically eyeliner drawing I did on my hand. One is an Egyptian eye which I copied from this book on Egyptology, that's the one near my thumb. Then there's the word CARIAD, which means love in Welsh, you probably can't quite see that, and it's on my middle finger, then there's a small simple cross. And finally, the one I want to talk about, the word London, which I got from a sticker in my room.
The reason I choose London for my wrist design today was because, well, London to mean has a lot of things. I think danger, celebs and cherimon. Ok, so I'm reading this series of books called numbered, which has the London eye being blown up in 2008, in the first one, London being washed away and on fire and earthquakes, and all sort of natural disasters in the second one, and I haven't actually got round to the third one. But it's a really good series, by Rachel, something. Not sure what, pretty sure it's Rachel.
And when I was young-er, I thought all celebrities lived in London, so that's why I thought celebs. Now I am older and more mature I now know that they all actually live in America, no matter where they were born, as England is kinda cold. (understatement of the century).
But cherimon, is, embarrassingly the main reason I choose London to rock my wrist today. For those of you who don't know what Cherimon is, it's Charlieissocoollike (Charlie McDonald) and Nerimon (Alex Day). For those of you still confused, the two most successful YouTubers/vloggers in Britain (I think). Recently Alex decided to try and get Christmas number one with his single Forever Yours, and, yeah, it failed. At getting number one, but it actually managed to get to number 4, and also get stuck in my head, so that was the song in my head when I was painting my hand this morning.This was all without a record company or a proper media campain, though he did use YouTube, obviously.
And I think it's the fact that he's not a celebrity, he's just this guy who lives in London with his best best friend, maknig YouTube videos is the reason he did so well. Because the people who watch his videos know stuff about him, the same type of stuff you'd know about your friend, and so you do feel like you know him. Which feels kinda creepy, but still. So when Alex released his new single and asked for help getting to number one, you feel like you should help him, like you'd help a friend. You don't believe you'll actually do it, but you want him to. Now one or two people watching you and doing this, yeah, not much help. But 487,000-ish subscribers, all who feel like they know this guy like a friend. you've actually got quite a good chance of getting there.
Then there's the fact he "made" us all buy all 11 (I think) copies. That may have also helped.
But then he gave us a free song (Jack and Coke), which was nice. So you should probably get it too. 'Cause he's also quite good. If you like that sort of stuff. Which I do.
SO yeah, this is what I'm gonig to be blogging about, drawings on my hand, and the stuff they make me think of. Enjoy.
p.s. sorry for the lack of Charlie stuff. I'll do something on him a bit later.
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