This is actually based on an old drawing. (I'll let you see that too).

This morning I cleared out my old art desk which I hardly ever used as it was too high up to sit on a chair at, and too short to lean over, as well as being in the garage which is always really cold and dark and creepy. But I found an old micro project I did based on birds. This project actually got me really keen on using pen in art, and eventually that pen left my paper and ended up on my hand. Then I went and replaced it with eye liner. :) But I really liked the drawing, and I've been wanting to do some peacock art for a while, and so decided to do this. It's partly in eye liner, and partly in silver gel pen.
But that's not really enough to blog about, so I began to think about what peacocks mean to me, and actually a lot of ideas emerged. First of all, peacocks make me think of fashion, as I've been thinking a lot about fashion at the moment, and I came up with this idea for a peacock dress, well, 4 actually. Then there's this Harry Potter wedding dress thing I thought of, and this too incorporated peacocks, white ones like the ones in Mayfoy Manor.
Also peacocks are amazingly noble,creatures, as they are: a)beautiful, b) often seeing living of important houses because they are beautiful, c) they have a really posh way of walking and d) they always hold their heads high. So not only do peacocks appear noble, the also look like they have a lot of pride, just like us. There are times when our pride stops us from telling others what we really think, it keeps us stubborn, and maybe keeps us away from what we really want because we're too afraid that we'll be embarrassed. In "The Little Princess" (which I finished reading yesterday for the first time despite loving the film as a child and having Frances Hodgson Burnett as one of my all-time favorite authors), pride also makes an appearance.
To be honest, my head hurts, and it's spinning and I feel like I'm going to be sick, so I'm going to stop blogging now, if that's okay with you.
Oh, and one last question, what is your AIA book?
Mine's "Does My Head Look Big In This"