Monday, 26 March 2012

Hunger Games!!!

Loved it. Kinda

Yep, I saw the Hunger Games. It was quite good, but not OMG-I-FREAKING-LOVE-IT good. Just, you know, good. (Yep, the postcard is random, but I got it whilst waiting for my friends in front of the cinema. I think it's cool. I just love quotes. Quotes are cool. I so want to build a quote wall, but I need to find a load of pain non-treated card postcards (pretty specific, hun?) so, it you know where I could find some them tell me. And yes, I'm going more into holding things, but I just can't draw lately. And yes, this is becoming once a week, and I should really get into the main part of the blog, becasue this is more end stuff. I'm so sorry if this is boring.)
So I saw the Hunger Games movie. We actually went on the day it came out (then what took you so long to blog. A: GCSE's. Gosh, I have so much homework Y:... A: Moving on). I actually went to the dentist first and got in a bit of a fight with her. Not going over why, but it was a draw.
So I saw the movie at 5: something. It was really good. Not as good as I hoped it would be, but it's true(-ish) to the book, and it shows some things they'd need for the sequel and my favorite bit was with Seneca Crane, towards the end. I know, probably not the best, but it was so good. I'm totally not going to put any spoilers here. It fits in the story, both in the book and movie, and the roses made me go Alice in Wonderland (not related), but kinda. For people who didn't work it out (ie, me) he's the guy with the awesome beard. I just love his beard. It's cool, I could write a blog about the beard, well probably not.
Also the way they treat Rue is just so perfect. I cried a few tears, just gentle, caused by both by the flowers and also what happened after. It was just so beautifully done, and kept to the story, but was still unique.
But, tbh, it wasn't amazing. It seemed a bit slow in places, especially at the start (or was that just me?) and ALL of my favorite lines were missing, and scenes, and they made the ending... THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED!!! Well, it was, kinda, but no, it wasn't. I don't know. Your opinions. ?
But that was my second date. Poor guy never finished the book, so he missed all the awesomeness and eugh... They missed the mutations near the end (well, ok they were there, but not the omg-so shocking, just normal muts) and the part that made me cry in the hospital with Peeta (come on, you can't really tell, well, you can. Sorry) and Stay Alive. They missed Stay Alive!!! I loved Stay Alive. Perfect Katniss though. Loved her. Jennifer Lawrence did such an amazing job, and she's still young, but totally felt like Katniss to me.
And... Ok, too much relationship moi blogs. I'll stop.
Dr Who. Sometime soon. I hope. I need to.
Oh, and I love eyes open by Taylor Swift. Disappointed that none of the songs from district 12 or beyond made it in, but whatever. It's like Almost Alice with the Alice and Wonderland movie right?

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