Saturday 3 March 2012

no eyeliner, Hunger games, books and a little of my life

... So instead I used nail varnish and pen.

So the infinity symbol I'm just in love with. Because it's clever and meaningful and simple. The butterfly is because I was thinking last night if I ever get a tattoo I might need one with a little colour. And I've just drawn so many butterflies this week because of art and I think they're awesome. Plus, apparently their in fashion.
I realise this is becoming a few random pictures that aren't really related, but my life's becoming interesting. And there's nothing on TV. I finish the Hunger Games though, and I'm so desperate to read the sequel (Catching Fire) but I have to borrow it off my friend who a) lent it to my other friend (I don't care, I can wait) and b) has this weird thing about not bending the spines of books. Now that annoys me. Books are meant to be read and enjoyed, and a side effect of doing that is the fact they get creased spines and a little bit messy (well, in my case, quite a bit messy) but that's a sign it's being read and enjoyed. The last time I burrowed a book from her I got so scared a tiny crease will appear so I never read it. But I did manage to find it in a charist shop (Cat among the Pigeons by Julia Golding, the old covers were so beautiful).
Anyway, I loved the hunger games as a book, and I'm super hyped over the movie. 23rd march cna't come fast enough. I've seen the trailer so many times (there's a lot of italic so's this blog) and I have done that thing where you go and look up any blog related to it. Very hunger games obsessed, because it's such a good book, and yeah! Oh, and don't you just love Safe and Sound? It's not Taylor's normal style, but it's more folk/country so more to her roots, which I lvoe. Plus it's kinda depressing and most of my favorite songs are depressing. I'm nto going to say anything about it in case of spoilers, except, well, I struggled to imagine Effie in the book, she ended up looking a lot like Rita Skita to me, just dressed Lady GaGa-ish/ bitchy fashion show way, and admittedly, Elizabeth Banks is not how I imagined her, just to get a proper vimage of her is so helpful and I really hope she'll do a good job. I've seen her in a few movies, and she seemed ok, (I know, aren't I annoying, not talking at all about Peeta (how do you say his name?) or Katniss or Gale or Rue but anyway, I think they're all going to be brilliantly cast.) I'll tell you one thing, I really love the name Katniss now. What do you think?
Oh, and I've been watching way too much what the buck (seen him? No? Go look him up on YouTube now) and, oh, you know I wrote a blog about that guy last week. We're a coulpe now).

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