Sunday 1 January 2012


Okay, so more revision notes. Today's little bit of arty stuff is a bird, it's meant to be a dove, and, since today's RE revision, which is more fun that science, but anyway, it still has a mild revision purpose. So the notes are on the baptism of Jesus and why he was baptized. I'm not going to bore you with them.

So like I said, today's arty thing is a bird. So I chose it because to me this morning it meant freedom, as in, an escape from my revision and work and the pressure of being in top set and GCSE's and stuff. But then I remembered that a bird is a symbol of the holy spirit, and that little smudgy thing that my brother thinks looks like a storm troopers helmet is actually a really rough sketch of this painting of Jesus' baptism. So I got thinking more into the symbology of the bird.
An eagle is the America national bird (I think), representing freedom, a very important belief in America, freedom of speech, freedom from fear, freedom to worship, freedom from hunger. In Islam, the eagle represents nobility, warlike ferocity and dominion, in Christianity it represents salvation. I could go on and on, just regarding the eagle alone. Birds are often used to represent the skills and ideas and feelings we hold dearest, freedom, peace, hope, power, inspiration, optimism, salvation, victory, purity, love, joy, beauty, and so much more.

In native american bird sings (similar to star signs) the falcon represented a natural born leader.A woodpecker would be compassionate and a fantastic listener, empathetic and understanding.Someone born under the raven would be enthusiastic and a natural entrepreneur. A goose would be the most efficient and determined of person. Finally, an owl would be a friend to the whole world. These are all brilliant qualities to have in a person.
An owl was also the symbol of wisdom in Greek mythology, and the symbol of the goddess Athena. In the Chinese zodiac a rooster would be loyal, trustworthy, motivated and confident.

We as humans often see the best in the world in birds, and why not? They look down from the heavens, they are free to go wherever they want and they are truly beautiful. So no wonder we look up to the birds in the sky.

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